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Monday, March 10 at 6:15pm St. John's 2827 Wheat St. -- Visit the SNC Facebook page for other notices and expanded photo galleries.

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Underground Utilities Information

The City of Columbia Tree and Appearance Commission has passed a proposal that the City set aside money from the franchise fee with SCE&G for the sole purpose of putting utilities in Columbia underground.  The Commission is looking for groups/individuals around Columbia to support the proposal.

Jack McKenzie, with the Commission, has provided the information and links below.  On behalf of the Commission, he is eager to obtain any and all feedback whether you would like further information, would like to support the proposal or have suggestions/criticisms.  You can contact Mr. McKenzie at 252-0500.

Below is SCE&G’s page on undergrounding.  Mr. McKenzie said to make sure and read the last paragraph which shows there is already a system set up, the City just needs to participate.  

Below is the franchise agreement between the City and SCE&G.  Mr. McKenzie states the relevant sections are Section 4 and Section 11.  It is his understanding that Non-Standard Service and Franchise Fee are interchangeable.

Below is the City of Greenville residential line program.  Mr. McKenzie states this same money is being used now for major roadways.

Below is an article on the major undergrounding project going on right now in Hilton Head.


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