Next Council Meeting:

Monday, March 10 at 6:15pm -- Location TBD -- Visit the SNC Facebook page for other notices and expanded photo galleries.

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Holiday Tour of Homes

The 2013 Shandon/Hollywood-Rose Hill Holiday Tour of Homes will be held on Sunday, December 8th, from 2 - 4 pm.  The Tour Committee still has a couple of opening for homes if you are interested in putting your home on the Tour.  So do you have a really cool home (big or small!), maybe one that is recently remodeled or interesting?  We would love to have it on the Tour!  You are not required to decorate extensively, just what you would normally do!  If so, please e-mail Julie Ruff at [email protected].  Also, if you are interested in advertising in the Tour booklet, please also contact Julie!

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