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Monday, March 10 at 6:15pm -- Location TBD -- Visit the SNC Facebook page for other notices and expanded photo galleries.

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New Water Main Construction

Shady Grove Construction will begin construction/installation of new water mains for the CITY OF COLUMBIA CIP Project WM4280 on Monday, July 29th 2013.  Shown below are the areas where the new water mains will be installed.  Construction time should take approximately 90 days to complete. As they progress through the area they will need the entire roadway for equipment and material.  They will notify you ahead of time when they will be on your street so you can plan your parking accordingly.  On any project of this nature their focus is to provide you with use of your driveway throughout construction. It may take several minutes to clear and/or plate the road in order for you to enter or exit, so please be patient with them. The more cooperation they have the quicker they can complete the project. Shady Grove Construction has completed many projects for the City of Columbia of this nature with much success.

Project Manager: Tim Richardson 803-513-4592





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